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Terminos de licencia de software

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Terminos de licencia de software
13/03/2009 02:38
Hola, hace un año hemos adquirido un software de Vmware junto con un año de suscripcion y soporte. Dicha suscripcion y soporte nos da derecho a UPDATES(parches de errores) y UPGRADES (mejora de version...saltar a la siguiente version).

Hemos decidido no renovar el soporte ... leyendo los terminos de la licencia que expongo abajo ... puedo seguir instalando UPDATES (parches) de errores del programa si no pago la suscricion ? estos parches estan publicados en internet .... son de libre acceso y ademas, me consta que gente que tiene el producto, una vez corta lel servicio de updates y upgrades... el programa se sigue actualizando sin problema .... pero ... estaria incurriendo yo en un delito??

La licencia dice claramente ... este acuerdo no le da ningun derecho a updates y upgrades ....

vale, no me da derecho ... pero ellos los proporcionan de forma gratuita ... entonces??

Muchas gracias

This EULA does not give you any rights to any updates or upgrades


VMware will not provide any support services under this EULA. This EULA does not give you any rights to any updates or upgrades to the Software or to any extensions or enhancements to the Software developed by VMware at any time in the future. VMware may offer support and subscription services separately. If you have purchased VMware support and subscription services with the Software, these services are provided to you under the Support Contract Terms and Conditions posted on VMware’s Web site at www.vmware.com/support/ and by accepting the terms of this EULA you are accepting these Support Contract Terms and Conditions. Any supplemental software code or related materials that VMware provides to you as part of any support and subscription services are to be considered part of the Software and are subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA. VMware may use any technical information you provide to VMware for any VMware business purposes without restriction, including for product support and development. VMware will not use information in a form that personally identifies you.